10 Types of Videos Guaranteed to Answer Your Prospects Questions

As important as it is to use videos to promote your business and inform your prospects, it’s equally as important to ensure you are creating and sharing content that answers their questions pertaining to your business.

Below are several types of videos that can be used to inform your prospects.

An Introduction

The purpose of this video is to introduce your company, define who you are as a brand, and explain how your product or service can bring value to the watcher’s life. The main goal here is to grab their attention and make them want to learn more.


A welcome video can be used once a prospective customer has shared their contact information with you. Thank them for being interested and further explain the benefits of choosing your company while urging them to schedule that first discovery session or consultation with you so that you can further understand their needs.

Imagine & Discover

Imagine & Discover videos are great tools to help your prospect visualize what their life will look like once they choose your company.

Products & Features

An in-depth explanation video of the variety of products, services or features that your company offers is crucial. This is where the prospect will determine if you offer the product or service that they are looking for.

How to Choose the Right Company

It is helpful to include an unbiased explanation video of how to choose the right company within your industry. This shows your prospect that even if they don’t choose your company, you still want to help them make the best decision for their needs.

Buying Tips & Strategies

A video that includes buying tips and strategies related to your industry will make your prospect feel as though they are getting a peak behind the curtain. This will increase their trust in your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

A properly curated list of frequently asked question videos are extremely helpful to your prospective customers and saves them time by organizing them all in one place.

Should Ask Questions

Should ask question videos include questions that you as a business owner want prospective clients to ask you about your business.

Meet the Owner

A meet the owner video provides an introduction to your prospects on who you are and what you stand for. This will create a more personal connection between you and the prospective client.


Testimonial videos are a powerful way to convince your prospects that you are their best choice.

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